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Critical Thinking


During the Food for Thought project, I encountered several unforeseen obstacles. As the liaison, I collaborated with FAU food pantry personnel to discuss our partnership. One challenge they face is their reliance on donations, which results in a lack of control over the items received. This often leads to students having a variety of mismatched options to choose from. 

Breakfast Item #1:

Lunch Item #1:

Snack Item #1:

To address this issue, instead of simply purchasing items for the pantry, we devised a solution: creating prepackaged breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals for students. I researched various shelf-stable food items across different food groups and explored potential recipes to craft these meals. 

Dinner Item #1:

Budgeting for the project involved considering factors such as food safety, comparing prices from different vendors, ensuring enough food for four weeks, and estimating item durations to determine appropriate quantities for purchase.




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